Strategic IT Manager
Successful IT management - as independent studies show - has become one of the most important success factors for each and every company. The ability to develop IT strategies is just as indispensable for people working in IT management as comprehensive know-how about enterprise IT architectures or EAM (business architecture, application and infrastructure landscape) or sound application-related knowledge about various management topics (digital business management, IT portfolio management, strategic enterprise IT service management, IT governance, cyber security / IT risk management).
Today, management and leadership of IT departments are also confronted with the need to perform more complex tasks in a shorter period of time while observing strict economic efficiency requirements and legal framework conditions (IT compliance). Efficient fulfilment of these tasks requires up-to-date knowledge in the most important strategic fields of action of IT management as well as holistic problem-solving competence.
As an IT manager and IT executive, you are the key player in your organisation for bringing about productive IT and digital transformations, thereby creating a successful high-profile, future-oriented organisation. This applies to a sustainable transformation on the way to a data-driven company, the successful implementation of digital business models as well as the design and management of application, technology and product or service portfolios.
Corporate management needs highly qualified business IT personnel who think and act strategically and have the necessary knowledge and skills to do so.
With the Strategic IT Manager Certificate and your previous professional experience in the field of IT management, you will have a distinctive seal of quality that can be shown everywhere on the market. You are demonstrably able to professionally launch the strategic projects and measures required in your company and organisations and implement them successfully in the relevant transformation processes.
Training and certification
The "Strategic IT Management" course offers interested companies and individuals a holistic qualification programme which, on the one hand, provides the necessary know-how in all areas of strategic IT management and, on the other hand, provides comprehensive competencies in methodological, strategic and conceptual-analytical action and thinking.
Strategic IT Manager is a certificate for IT managers with relevant experience, knowledge and expertise in the field of strategic IT management (planning, steering, decision-making, control) by the certifying institute.
Who is the target group for certification?
- CIO, Head of IT, Head of strategic IT, CDO, CTO
- Enterprise architects (Head of IT Enterprise Architecture, Senior IT architects, Application/Solution architects, System architects, Software architects etc.)
- IT Innovation Managers, Digital Business Experts
- Information Managers and Data Experts
- IT managers for selected domains (IT systems, platforms, service desk)
- Persons responsible for the areas of Development & Operations, IT Service Management
- IT Project Managers
The competence profile of "Strategic IT Management”
The certified persons are able to …
- develop seminal IT strategy and innovation concepts and present implementation and master plans based thereon;
- build up and permanently develop a high-performance and agile IT organisation;
- EAM should be seen as an indispensable management tool for strategic IT management, which on the one hand enables holistic planning and control initiatives and on the other hand takes over important internal coaching and consulting services for the business IT projects in the company;
- successfully architect, develop and manage the deployment of the company's IT landscape, taking into account current requirements (connectivity, mobility, cloud),
- make software implementation decisions based on methods and apply the essential tools of application development and application management (including licence management);
- successfully initiate and implement innovative forms of digital transformation (introduction of digital workplace solutions, digitalisation of business processes and the customer interface) based on a developed digitalisation strategy;
- sustainably "set up" a strategic IT service management and use the necessary strategic instruments (for example IT product and service catalogues, SLAs, processes, key figures);
- establish a holistic IT portfolio management (projects, IT products/IT services) for their own organisation and manage it successfully;
- analyse and competently decide on strategic personnel and resource issues in the IT sector;
- apply procedures and tools in strategic IT financial management (IT investments, IT budgets, IT benchmarking, etc.);
- create cost and performance transparency in IT, implement strategic IT controlling and to use suitable IT key figures for decision-making and controlling of the IT area;
- apply IT governance, risk and compliance management (GRC) as a strategic tool for corporate IT management;
- successfully meet the diverse challenges in the area of cyber security through strategically implemented concepts.
The Benefit of certificate acquisition
The special benefit of acquiring a certificate:
- Launching a career in strategic IT management: IT leadership, enterprise IT architect, IT innovation manager, digital business manager, information manager, IT officer for selected domains.
- Documentation of application-oriented management knowledge and the instruments and methods associated with strategic tasks and challenges.
- Documentation and proof of holistic decision-making competences in the relevant subject areas of strategic IT management.
- Communication basis for increased positioning and shaping of strategic thinking and action in IT management (such as communicating the business value of IT with corporate management) as well as with IT service users from the specialist departments.
How to obtain certification:
The knowledge and competences required to obtain the certificate can be acquired by participating in the 8-module course offered for this purpose.
Certification takes place according to a three-stage procedure:
- Stage 1: Proof of the acquired knowledge and competences (among others through participation in the certificate course)
- Stage 2: Creation of a certification paper (concept or solution development from practical application)
- Stage 3: a technical interview before an examination board
After successful completion of the procedure, the certified person receives the certificate "Certified Strategic IT Manager" and the personal right to use this certificate until such time as re-certification may become necessary.
Certification Exam Board:
Dipl.-Hdl. Ernst Tiemeyer (GfB, consultant, university lecturer, author)
Prof. Dr. Helmut E. Zsifkovits (university lecturer at the Montanuni Leoben)
Bettina Hainschink (Conect Academy)
Overview of the topics and contents of the 8 modules:
Modules Focus/ Contents
Module 1: Develop & implement IT strategies, strategic IT planning & IT control
Positioning IT (visioning, values etc.), developing and communicating IT strategies (SWOT analyses, catalogue of objectives, sub-strategies, IT roadmapping); successfully implementing IT strategies (IT master plan, IT project portfolio), IT organisation; IT planning; strategic IT controlling (KPIs, benchmarking)
Module 2: Enterprise IT Architecture Management (EAM)
Positioning EAM, scoping and value management; EA fields of action with roles and responsibilities; scenarios for use cases, methods and tools; EA governance and agile organisation, planning/steering business IT landscapes, framework TOGAF
Module 3: Shaping Digital Business and Digital Office - Tasks of IT Management
IT management task "digital transformation", digital technologies and platforms, developing and implementing digitisation strategies, management fields of action for digital transformation projects, digital change
Module 4: Strategic Enterprise IT Service Management
IT service processes and framework ITIL, developing and implementing IT service strategy (roadmap), strategic assessments on IT service quality. Service catalogue management and SLA management; SLA controlling.
Module 5: IT portfolio management (projects, products/IT services, applications)
Multi-project management - processes, tasks and boards; strategic IT product management (IT systems and IT platforms; e.g. cloud platforms, data management, integration platforms), IT service portfolios, strategic application portfolio
Module 6: Strategic personnel and financial management in IT
Strategic IT personnel planning, recruiting and personnel development, leadership rethought; planning future-proof IT investments, IT budgeting, key figures (IT balanced scorecard) and IT benchmarking
Module 7 IT partner management and strategic IT sourcing - relationship management tasks, stakeholder management, customer management (demand management, IT marketing), strategies in IT sourcing (framework decisions, strategic IT supplier management)
Module 8: IT governance, strategic IT risk, security and compliance management Corporate governance and business-IT alignment, IT risk management for IT systems and IT projects, cyber security policy and strategic decisions, successfully implementing corporate IT compliance