Top Twenty Software Architekten and Requirements Engineers 2011
Top Twenty Software Architects from Germany and Switzerland
1st place Mr. Axel Feix (D)
2nd place Mr. Patrick Kelchner (D)
3rd place Ms. Nadine Weber (D)
4th place Mr. Peter Spönemann (D)
5th place Mr. Dimitri Gottmann (D)
6th place Mr. Holger Renner (D)
7th place Mr. Matthias Schneider (D)
8th place Mr. Joachim Hermann (D)
9th place Mr. Karsten Schomacher (D)
10th place Mr. Guido Schneider (D)
11th place Mr. Thorsten Oliver Wagner (D)
12th place Mr. Michael Christmann (D)
13th place Ms. Anne Helberg (D)
14th place Mr. Matthias Herbort (D)
ex aequo Mr. Marcel Briggen (CH)
15th place Mr. Johannes Farrenkopf (D)
16th place Mr. Daniel Lübke (CH)
17th place Mr. Phillipp Niederau (D)
18th place Mr. Jörg Harm (D)
19th place Mr. Martin Kräuchi (CH)
20th place Mr. Grigor Hammer (D)
The best result in Austria was achieved by Mr. Klemens Dickbauer
Top Twenty Requirements Engineers from Austria
1st place Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Wolf
2nd place Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Bruno León
3rd place Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Tomas Fischer
4th place Mr. Martin Kaderabek
5th place Mr. Mag. Johannes Haselböck
6th place Mr. Mag. Johannes Smutny
7th place Mr. Christian Spatt
ex aequo Mr. Mag. Johannes Kuntner
8th place Mr. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Daniel Pernold
9th place Mr. Elmar Schrutek
10th place Mr. Robert Strasser
11th place Mr. Johannes Fritz
12th place Mr. Günther Wlaschitz
13th place Ms. Dr. Ifeaka Hangen-Mordi
14th place Mr. Christian Hasenöhrl
ex aequo Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Exner
15th place Mr.Mag. Mario Hartl
16th place Mr. Ing. Armin Leitner
ex aequo Mr. Walter Scherer
17th place Ms. Ing. Jasmina Avdic
18th place Mr. Ing. Robert Löscher
ex aequo Mr. Bernhard Wascher
19th place Mr. Rupert Brandstetter
20th place Mr. Peter Goldschmidt